Italofile Then and Now
When I started Italofile in 2006, my goal was to help promote my Italy travel guides, collect Italy travel information in “real time,” and basically keep up with the ever-changing landscape that is the Italy travel experience. To give you an idea of how much can change, there really weren’t a whole lot of blogs specifically about Italy in 2006 — now there are thousands!
Three years ago I started blogging so I could “stay in the game,” as it were. Now I write so I can stay out of it.
Doing It For Dante
If you have been following Italofile for some time, you may have noticed that my posts are less frequent. I apologize for that – it’s not for a lack of enthusiasm. Instead, over the past three years, as my first baby Dante has morphed into a toddler, I have been taking time out to enjoy him. And, admittedly, it has taken a lot out of me.
When Dante – who, of course, shares his name with a great poet – didn’t say his first word by 18 months, we realized we had a problem. Since June of 08, just before his 2nd birthday, we have been getting therapy for Dante, from speech and special ed to occupational therapy for his fine and gross motor skills. We’ve been told that D has PDD-NOS, an autism spectrum disorder also known as “atypical autism.” Dante is what you call “high functioning” and he has a photographic memory. Alas, he still can’t hold a conversation. We are hoping, of course, that these early intervention therapies will help Dante enough so that he’ll be able to tackle kindergarten successfully two years from now.
Why Write Now?
So what does any of this have to do with Italofile? Well, above, when I said that I am trying to stay “out of the game,” I meant that blogging, freelance writing, and basically working from home are my only options right now as a means for income. Going to work in an office right now isn’t practical for my family as I have Dante – and his little brother Leo – to care for. I choose to take on self-guided projects so that I can set my own deadlines (or no deadlines) and be available for my children when they need me. Sure, I could try to go back to the office, but leaving Dante in daycare for the hours he’s not in therapy would be a disservice to him and the caregivers, not to mention a large sum of outgoing funds. It’s a reality for many parents. I know I am not particularly unique in that respect.
Branching Out
What it boils down to is that I want my readers to know that I am still doing my best to be the “Italy travel resource.” in fact, I am fairly active on Twitter, a medium that has been very beneficial for a busy SAHM and blogger like myself. Yes, friends, there is a face behind the posts about Rome and Florence.
How You Can Help
A fellow blogger suggested I request donations through PayPal. So if you would like to buy me a virtual espresso or gelato, make a small contribution to my PayPal. I hate to ask. But I also know that you never know until you ask!
And Finally…
Of course, I know that you savvy readers can go almost anywhere to get info on traveling in Italy. But I do think that I bring a unique perspective to my travel advice (and now, in particular, travel with kids!). Please feel free to ask me questions, send suggestions of topics you’d like for me to cover, or anything else to Melanie at italofile dot com.
Photo © Melanie Mize Renzulli, 2009.
Last updated on October 7th, 2023Post first published on October 7, 2009